Cyrus Tang Hall of China Exhibition at a Glance


Exhibition Title:     Cyrus Tang Hall of China


Media Preview:       Tuesday, June 23, 2015


Exhibition Dates:   Permanent exhibition opening Wednesday, June 24, 2015


Overview:  Explore a culture of deep tradition and dynamic change in The Field Museum’s new permanent exhibition, the Cyrus Tang Hall of China.  Through textiles, rubbings,       bronzes, ceramics, and sculpture travel across thousands of years of history of one of the world’s most influential civilizations. Warfare and political upheaval repeatedly shifted power throughout China, yet certain traditions and ideals endured and united even the largest dynasties and empires. Explore how diverse spiritual and philosophical practices have flourished side by side, and how these belief systems have influenced and blended with each other throughout history. Get a rare chance to scroll through a 27-foot-long hand scroll painting of the Qingming festival, that beautifully details a panorama of life along a riverside city, and go backstage to discover how the performers put on a unique show at a Chinese shadow puppet theater. Examine artifacts recovered from the 13th-century Java Sea Shipwreck, and learn how China became a leader in global trade by moving goods, ideas, and innovations across boundaries, building powerful networks that changed the world.


Location:                  The Field Museum                   

                                1400 S. Lake Shore Dr., Chicago, IL 60605-2496


Phone numbers:     312.922.9410 General Field Museum Information


Admission: Tickets to Cyrus Tang Hall of China are included in both Discovery and All-Access passes to the Museum. Special discounts available for Chicago residents. Visit for prices and to purchase tickets. Special rates available for tour operators and groups of 10 or more. Call our Group Sales office toll-free at 888.FIELD.85 (888.343.5385).