Field Museum staff work across the globe to conserve the natural world, provide resources to build vibrant communities, and bring people and nature together.
Whether it's helicoptering into the Amazonian rainforest or working with communities right here in Chicagoland, our Science Action team takes the science we do at the Museum and puts it to work to make a lasting impact on the environment and local cultures. With the diversity of life and cultures severely threatened around the world, the Museum's scientific expertise can play a major role in ensuring a strong future where diversity can thrive. Since 1999, the Museum's efforts have assisted governments in protecting more than 30 million acres of wilderness, and our work in the Chicago region has focused on bringing people and nature together in communities like Calumet and the Kankakee region.
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Current Staff
Showing 12 of 32
- Aster HasleLead Conservation Ecologist
- Cameron RuttConservation Ecologist, Andes-Amazon and Guiana Shield
- Catherine HuConservation Ecologist
- Cecilia Davila GarciaEnvironmental Social Scientist
- Dawn MartinOperations Manager
- Douglas StotzSenior Conservation Ecologist
- Elliott OakleyEnvironmental Social Scientist, Guyana/Guiana Shield
- Erin HagenSenior Director, Keller Science Action Center
- Farah Carrasco RuedaConservation Ecologist, Andes-Amazon and Guiana Shield
- Gabo Yarleque IpanaqueGeospatial Analyst & Cartographer
- Jacob CampbellLead Environmental Social Scientist
- Jaeda BranchSenior Community Engagement Specialist
Former Staff and Collaborators
Showing 1 of 1
Izabella Redlinski |