Action in Action

Bringing Back the Prairie

The Field Museum’s Keller Science Action Center connects nature and people through ecological restoration and stewardship. In the Chicago Region we are fortunate to have a network of nearly 370,000 acres of protected natural lands and waters that are home to an impressive diversity of native plant and animal species. Yet in the urban environment, many of the natural processes that maintained these landscapes for centuries are out of balance. Ecological restoration is the process of restoring this balance and improving the ecological health of our region’s natural areas for the people, plants, and animals that depend on them.

The Museum's commitment to ecological restoration is part of a region-wide effort to restore and protect Chicago Wilderness. In the Science Action Center we work in partnership with the Calumet Stewardship Initiative to lead monthly workdays in the Calumet Region and to provide opportunities for people to connect to nature.  Our scientists lead trainings and workshops to equip local stewardship volunteers with the knowledge and skills necessary to be capable stewards of our natural areas.  We also provide scientific expertise to regional land managers, city planners, and volunteer stewards.

For more information on how to get involved in restoration and stewardship activities and a list of upcoming events, please visit our Get Involved page.

Photo: Erika Hasle