Farah Carrasco Rueda

Conservation Ecologist, Andes-Amazon and Guiana Shield

Keller Science Action Center

Tropical conservation, mammals

Farah is a biologist and interdisciplinary ecologist. She is the coordinator of the Putumayo Biocultural Corridor—a mosaic that will help conserve 12 million hectares of the most diverse forest areas in the world. She works closely with other members of the Andes-Amazon team to organize the next steps for the Putumayo Corridor. She is also in continuous contact with partners in Peru and Colombia, providing support to problem-solve the main challenges they face and identify opportunities that arise to help consolidate the corridor. Prior to joining the Field Museum Farah undertook ecological studies in the Peruvian Amazon. Her dissertation work focused on the effects of different land-use types and the impact of mitigation efforts in the bat diversity in San Martin and Madre de Dios, Peru. Before her PhD studies Farah participated in a canopy bridges project, which evaluated impacts of the construction of a pipeline in the Lower Urubamba Region of Peru, and tested the effectiveness of natural canopy bridges for arboreal mammals.

Education and Work

PhD Interdisciplinary Ecology, University of Florida, 2018

    MS Conservation of Forestry Resources, Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina, 2011

    BS Biology, Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina, 2008


Fulbright scholar

    Women in Conservation Science Award recipient, special recognition provided by the Bat Conservation International

Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation (ATBC)