Sara Ruane

Associate Curator of Herpetology, Director of Core Laboratories

Negaunee Integrative Research Center

Sara's research focuses on snake evolution and systematics. While her interests in herpetology are broad, she focuses primarily on snakes, especially with respect to systematics, speciation, phylogenetics, and phylogeography. Previously, Sara served as an Assistant Professor of Biology at Rutgers University.

The Ruane Lab seeks to simultaneously inform reptile and amphibian systematics while also answering broad, contemporary questions in evolutionary biology.

For amphibian and reptile loans or collection visits, please visit the herpetology department's loan policy page.

For a detailed list of Sara's work, publications and accomplishments, please see her Curriculum Vitae.

Education and Work

  • Ph.D., 2013: City University of New York Graduate Center, New York, NY
    • Program: Biology (Ecology, Evolutionary Biology, and Behavior)
  • M.S., 2007: University of Central Arkansas, Conway, AR
    • Program: Biology
  • B.S., 2004: University of Massachusetts-Amherst, Amherst, MA
    • Major: Biology