Patterson Publications
Most articles are posted as pdfs, for the convenience of people making personal copies for their own use. If you wish copies of articles for commercial purposes or for distribution to a class, please write the publishers. For a selection of papers published prior to 2000, please see the link at the bottom of the page. A pdf also posted there contains a then-complete bibliography.
I may be able to provide you with copies of other articles I have written that are not posted here -- write me at In the Press Patterson, B.D., P. Teta & M.F. Smith. In press. Abrothrix in Mammals of South America, Vol. 2 (J.L. Patton, ed.). University of Chicago Press, Chicago. Meyer, C.F.J. et al. (numerous co-authors). In press. Accounting for detectability improves estimates of species richness in tropical bat surveys. Journal of Applied Ecology. 2011 Laurance, W.F. et al. (numerous co-authors). 2011. Global warming, elevational ranges and the vulnerability of tropical biota. Biological Conservation 144: 548-557. pdf (870 kb) 2010 *Map showing extent of Patagonian glaciers and exposed continental shelf at the Late Glacial Maximum in South America, (Fig. 1 in *Molecular Ecology* 2010).* Abu Baker, M. & B.D. Patterson. 2010b. Patterns in the local assembly of Egyptian rodent faunas: co-occurrence and nestedness. Journal of Arid Environments 75:14-19. pdf (504 kb) Abu Baker, M. & B.D. Patterson. 2010a. Patterns in the local assembly of Egyptian rodent faunas: areography and species combinations. Mammalian Biology 75: 510-522. pdf (1.1 Mb) Patterson, B.D. 2010. Climate change and faunal dynamics in the uttermost part of the earth. Molecular Ecology 19:3019-3021. pdf (222 kb) Velazco, P.M., A.L. Gardner & B.D. Patterson. 2010. Systematics of the Platyrrhinus helleri complex (Chiroptera: Phyllostomidae), with descriptions of two new species. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 159:785-812. pdf (1.49 Mb) 2009 Cooperation and individuality among man-eating lions. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 106:19040-19043. pdf (833 kb) Williams, P.R., B. Patterson, M. Thayer & K. Angielczyk. 2009. Museum curators and the AAUP. Illinois Academe Fall 2009:2. pdf (584 kb) Patterson, B.D., C.W. Dick & K. Dittmar. 2009. Nested distributions of bat flies (Diptera: Streblidae) on Neotropical bats: artifact and specificity in host-parasite studies. Ecography 32:481-487. pdf (159 kb) Dittmar, K., C.W. Dick, B.D. Patterson, M.F. Whiting & M. Gruwell. 2009. Pupal deposition and ecology of bat flies (Diptera: Streblidae): Trichobiussp. (caecus group) in a Mexican cave habitat. Journal of Parasitology 95:308-314. pdf (1021 kb)
Three bat fly species commonly found together on the bat Carollia perspicillata (Fig.1 of Patterson et al. 2009 Ecography)
Velazco, P.M. & B.D. Patterson. 2008. Phylogenetics and biogeography of the broad-nosed bats, GenusPlatyrrhinus (Chiroptera: Phyllostomidae). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 49:749-759. pdf (1.3 Mb)
Dick, C.W. & B.D. Patterson. 2008. An excess of males: skewed sex ratios in bat flies (Diptera: Streblidae). Evolutionary Ecology 22:757-769. pdf (216 kb).
Fig. 1a from Schipper et al. (2008), showing the global distribution of mammalian species richness.
Schipper, J. et al. (numerous co-authors). 2008. The status of the world's land and marine mammals: diversity, threat and knowledge. Science 322:225-230 + online suppl. pdf (655 kb) supplement (494 kb)
Patterson, B.D., C.W. Dick & K. Dittmar. 2008b. Parasitism by bat flies (Diptera: Streblidae) on Neotropical bats: effects of host body size, distribution and abundance. Parasitology Research 103:1091-1100. pdf (355 kb).
Patterson, B.D., C.W. Dick & K. Dittmar. 2008a. Sex biases in parasitism of Neotropical bats by bat flies (Diptera: Streblidae). Journal of Tropical Ecology 124:387-396. pdf (110 kb). Fig. 1 from Patterson & Velazco (2008) Journal of Mammalian Evolution, showing locations of molecular samples for six species of Isothrix (Rodentia, Echimyidae) used in phylogenetic analyses. Patterson, B.D. & P.M. Velazco. 2008. Phylogeny of the rodent genus Isothrix (Hystricognathi, Echimyidae) and its diversification in Amazonia and the Eastern Andes. Journal of Mammalian Evolution 15:181-201. pdf (534 kb). Patterson, B.D. & M.A. Rogers 2008. Microbiotheria, Pp. 117-119 in Mammals of South America, Volume 1: Marsupials, Xenarthrans, Shrews, and Bats (A.L. Gardner, ed.). University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 912 pp. pdf (720 kb). Patterson, B.D. 2008b. Paucituberculata, Pp. 119-120 in Mammals of South America, Volume 1: Marsupials, Xenarthrans, Shrews, and Bats (A.L. Gardner, ed.). University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 912 pp. pdf (662 kb). Timm, R.M. & B.D. Patterson. 2008. Caenolestes, Pp. 120-124 in Mammals of South America, Volume 1: Marsupials, Xenarthrans, Shrews, and Bats (A.L. Gardner, ed.). University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 912 pp. pdf (822 kb). Patterson, B.D. 2008a. Rhyncholestes, Pp. 126-127 in Mammals of South America, Volume 1: Marsupials, Xenarthrans, Shrews, and Bats (A.L. Gardner, ed.). University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 912 pp. pdf (652 kb). Veron, G., B.D. Patterson & R. Reeves. 2008. Global diversity of mammals (Mammalia) in freshwater. In Freshwater Animal Diversity Assessment (E.V. Balian, C. Leveque, H. Segers, K. Martens, eds.). Hydrobiologia 595:607-617. pdf (295 kb). 2007 A tale of two lions--Bahati (a) and Charlie (b), both six years old and from Tsavo, but raised under different climatic regimens (Fig. 1in 2007 Evolutionary Biology*) Patterson, B.D. 2007. A new 'Age of Discovery' for mammals [Review of Mammal Species of the World, 3rd ed]. *Journal of Mammalian Evolution* 14:67-69. pdf (166 kb).* Patterson, B.D., C.W. Dick & K. Dittmar. 2007. Roosting habits of bats affect their parasitism by bat flies (Diptera: Streblidae). Journal of Tropical Ecology 23:177-189. pdf (247 kb). Patterson, B.D. 2007. The meaning of manes. Hunting Insight Africa 9:41-45. pdf (1.08 Mb). Dick, C.W. & B.D. Patterson. 2007. Against all odds: explaining host specificity in dispersal-prone ectoparasites. International Journal of Parasitology 37:871-876. pdf (340 kb). Patterson, B.D. 2007. On the nature and significance of variability in lions (Panthera leo). Evolutionary Biology 34:55-60. pdf (258 kb). Vargas Espinoza, A. & B.D. Patterson. 2007. Comunidades de murcielagos montanos en Bolivia. Pp 82-86, In L.F. Aguirre (Ed.). Historia Natural, Distribucion y Conservacion de los Murcielagos de Bolivia. Editorial, Centro de Ecologia y Difusion Simon I. Patinyo, Santa Cruz, Bolivia. pdf (945 kb). Patterson, B.D. 2007. The quintessential naturalist: honoring the life and legacy of Oliver P. Pearson [Review of Kelt et al. eds, University of California Publications in Zoology]. Mastozoología Neotropical 14:299. pdf (258 kb). 2006 New species Isothrix barbarabrownae on the cover of Mastozoología Neotropical. Drawing by Velizar Simeonovski. Patterson, B.D. & P.M. Velazco. 2006. A distinctive new cloud-forest rodent (Hystricognathi: Echimyidae) from the Manu Biosphere Reserve, Peru. Mastozoología Neotropical 13:175-191. pdf (799 kb). Patterson, B.D., D.F. Stotz & S. Solari (eds.). 2006. Mammals and Birds of the Manu Biosphere Reserve, Peru. Fieldiana: Zoology, new series 110:1-49. pdf (93 kb). Patterson, B.D., D.F. Stotz & S. Solari. 2006. Biological surveys and inventories in Manu. Pp. 3-12 in Mammals and Birds of the Manu Biosphere Reserve, Peru (B.D. Patterson, D.F. Stotz, and S. Solari, eds.). Fieldiana: Zoology, new series 110. pdf (1.3 Mb). Solari, S., V. Pacheco, L. Luna, P.M. Velazco & B.D. Patterson. 2006. Mammals of the Manu Biosphere Reserve. Pp. 13-22 in Mammals and Birds of the Manu Biosphere Reserve, Peru (B.D. Patterson, D.F. Stotz, and S. Solari, eds.). Fieldiana: Zoology, new series 110. pdf (221 kb). Dick, C. W. & B. D. Patterson. 2006. Bat flies - obligate ectoparasites of bats. Pp. 179-194 In Micromammals and macroparasites: from evolutionary ecology to management (S. Morand, B. Krasnov, and R. Poulin, eds.). Springer-Verlag, Tokyo. pdf (121 kb). "Cassius" on the cover of Journal of Mammalogy in April 2006. Patterson, B.D., R.W. Kays, S.M. Kasiki & V.M. Sebestyen. 2006. Developmental effects of climate on the mane of the lion (Panthera leo). Journal of Mammalogy 87:193-200 + cover. pdf (457 kb). D'Elía, G., L. Luna, E.M. González & B.D. Patterson. 2006. On the Sigmodontinae radiation (Rodentia, Cricetidae): An appraisal of the phylogenetic position of Rhagomys. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 38:558-564. pdf (265 kb) Patterson, B.D. 2006. [Review] Foundations of Biogeography: classic papers with commentaries, edited by Lomolino et al. Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 49:152-154. pdf (65 kb). 2005 Patterson, B.D. 2005. Living with lions in Tsavo, or some notes on managing man-eaters. Travel News & Lifestyle (East Africa) 129 (Feb 2005): 28-31 + cover. pdf (889 kb). Dubach, J, B.D. Patterson, M.B. Briggs, K. Venzke, J. Flammand, P. Stander, L. Scheepers & R. Kays. 2005. Molecular genetic variation across the southern and eastern geographic ranges of the African lion, Panthera leo. Conservation Genetics 7:15-24. pdf (314 kb). Patterson, B.D. 2005. [Review] Evolving Eden: an illustrated guide to the evolution of the African large-mammal fauna, by A. Turner and M. Anton. Journal of Mammalogy 86:1052-1053. pdf (93 kb). Patterson, B.D., N. Yamaguchi, J.M. Dubach & D. York. 2005. Molecular genetics and morphological variation of lions (Panthera leo). African Lion Newsletter 6(2):17-23. pdf (296 kb). 2004
At long last, the book was finally published in January 2004!
Patterson, B.D. 2004. The lions of Tsavo: exploring the legacy of Africa's notorious man-eaters. McGraw-Hill, New York, 231 pp. examine book here Patterson, B.D. 2004. Maneless and misunderstood: the lions of Tsavo. Earthwatch Institute 23(2):12-15. pdf (920 kb) Patterson, B.D., S.M. Kasiki, E. Selempo & R.W. Kays. 2004. Livestock predation by lions (Panthera leo) and other carnivores on ranches neighboring Tsavo National Park, Kenya. Biological Conservation 119:507-516. pdf (430 kb) Patterson, B.D. 2004. Fatal attraction: a predilection for livestock threatens Tsavo's lions. Earthwatch Institute - Australia April/May 2004:6-7. pdf (840 kb). Solari, S., R.A. Van Den Bussche, S.R. Hoofer & B.D. Patterson. 2004. Geographic distribution, ecology, and phylogenetic affinities of Thyroptera lavali Pine 1993. Acta Chiropterologica 6:293-302. pdf (362 kb). 2003
Distributions of 1700 species of mammals native to the Western Hemisphere
Patterson, B.D., E.J. Neiburger & S.M. Kasiki. 2003. Tooth breakage and dental disease as causes of carnivore-human conflicts. Journal of Mammalogy 84:190-196. pdf (340 kb). Patterson, B.D. & S.M. Kasiki. 2003. Expedition briefing: Lions of Tsavo. Earthwatch Institute, Maynard, Massachusetts, 30 pp + appendices. pdf (970 kb). Luna W., L. & B.D. Patterson. 2003. A remarkable new mouse from Peru (Muridae: Sigmodontinae), with comments on the affinities of Rhagomys rufescens (Thomas, 1886). Fieldiana: Zoology, new ser. 101:1-24. pdf (1.2 Mb). Patterson, B.D., M.R. Willig & R.D. Stevens. 2003. Trophic strategies, niche partitioning, and patterns of ecological organization. Pp. 536-579 in Ecology of bats (T. H. Kunz and M. B. Fenton, ed.). University of Chicago Press, Chicago. pdf (4.6 Mb). Willig, M.R., B.D. Patterson & R.D. Stevens. 2003. Patterns of range size, richness, and body size. Pp. 580-621 in Ecology of bats (T. H. Kunz and M. B. Fenton, ed.). University of Chicago Press, Chicago. pdf (4.3 Mb). Patterson, B. D., G. Ceballos, W. Sechrest, M. Tognelli, T. Brooks, L. Luna, P. Ortega, I. Salazar & B. E. Young. 2003. Digital Distribution Maps of the Mammals of the Western Hemisphere, version 1.0. NatureServe, Arlington, Virginia, USA. shp files. 2002
Components of lion manes (Fig. 1 of2002 Canadian Journal of Zoology paper). Neiburger, E.J. & B.D. Patterson. 2002. A forensic dental determination of serial killings by three African lions. General Dentistry 50:40-43. pdf (660 kb). Kays, R.W. & B.D. Patterson. 2002. Mane variation in African lions and its social correlates. Canadian Journal of Zoology 80:471-478. pdf (235 kb). Patterson, B.D. 2002. On the continuing need for scientific collecting of mammals. Mastozoología Neotropical 9:253-262. pdf (280 kb). 2001
Escalating estimates over the last half-century of the number of living mammal species (from Diversity and Distributions, 2001)
Patterson, B.D. 2001. [Review] Prides: the lions of Moremi, by C. Harvey and P. Kat. Journal of Mammalogy 82:248-250. pdf (37 kb). Patterson, B.D. & E.J. Neiburger. 2001. Lion with a sore tooth. Nature Australia 26(12):12. pdf (580 kb). Patterson, B.D. 2001. Fathoming tropical biodiversity: the continuing discovery of Neotropical mammals. Diversity& Distributions 7:191-196. pdf (280 kb). 2000
New York State Dental Journal, December 2000, containing article on Tsavo and Mfuwe man-eating lions
González, E.M. & B.D. Patterson. 2000. Un nuevo nombre genérico para Thomasomys pictipes Osgood, 1933 (Rodentia: Sigmodontinae). XIV Journadas Argentinas de Mastozoología, Salta, Argentina 1999: 34-35. pdf (380 kb) Patterson, B.D. & W. Atmar. 2000. Analyzing species composition in fragments. Pp. 9-24 in Isolated vertebrate communities in the tropics (G. Rheinwald, ed.). Bonner Zoologische Monographen 46, Bonn, Germany, 400 pp. pdf (970 kb). Sutton, D.A. & B.D. Patterson. 2000. Geographic variation of the western chipmunks Tamias senex and Tamias siskiyou, with two new subspecies from California. Journal of Mammalogy 81: 299-316. pdf (380 kb). Patterson, B.D. 2000a. [Review] Walkers Mammals of the World, sixth ed. International Journal of Primatology 21:561-563. pdf (345 kb). Neiburger, E.J. & B.D. Patterson. 2000. Man eating lions…a dental link. Journal of the American Association of Forensic Dentists 24(7-9):1-3. pdf (200 kb). Patterson, B.D. 2000b. Patterns and trends in the discovery of new Neotropical mammals. Diversity & Distributions 6:145-151. pdf (415 kb). Neiburger, E.J. & B.D. Patterson. 2000. The man-eaters with bad teeth. New York State Dental Journal 66(10):26-29 + cover. cover (370 kb) and pdf (870 kb).