Photo Archives Anthropology Gallery
Image slideshow
Jade desk screen, detail of two women playing flutes. China.Credit Information:
Photographer(s): John Bayalis (c) (c) Field Museum of Natural History - CC BY-NC 4.0
Mask. Cedar wood. Shown in open position. Kwakiutl. Credit Information:
Photographer(s): Ron Testa (c) (c) Field Museum of Natural History - CC BY-NC 4.0
Mummy coffin. For the remains of a woman named Tent-athuman or Tinto. Made of larch or spruce tree. Egypt. Credit Information:
Photographer(s): Admin (c) (c) Field Museum of Natural History - CC BY-NC 4.0
Pacific exhibit, Outrigger diorama. Credit Information:
Photographer(s): John Weinstein (c) (c) Field Museum of Natural History
Stucco pattern block for mold, mouflon design, forepart of a ram above wings. Mouflon is a wild sheep native to the Near East. Kish, Iraq archaeology Sassanian [Sassanid] period. Credit Information:
Photographer(s): James Balodimas (c) (c) Field Museum of Natural History - CC BY-NC 4.0
Bronze head of woman, Queen Mother or Divine Ruler, Oba. Opening for elephant tusk, and relief diamonds above each eye. Nigeria. Credit Information:
Photographer(s): John Weinstein (c) (c) Field Museum of Natural History - CC BY-NC 4.0
Maori Meeting House. Credit Information:
Photographer(s): Admin (c) (c) Field Museum of Natural History - CC BY-NC 4.0
Japanese silk tapestry. Festival scene at Temple in Nikko, Japan. Credit Information:
Photographer(s): John Weinstein (c) (c) Field Museum of Natural History - CC BY-NC 4.0
Small chalice. In 1519, the Aztec ruler Montezuma reportedly served chocolate in great golden goblets to his envious Spanish guests. Credit Information:
Photographer(s): John Weinstein (c) (c) Field Museum of Natural History - CC BY-NC 4.0
Young woman in the process of grinding corn. Hopi. 1901. Credit Information:
Photographer(s): Charles Carpenter (c) (c) Field Museum of Natural History
Massett Woman weaving cedar root basket. 1897. Credit Information:
Photographer(s): Edward P Allen (c) (c) Field Museum of Natural History - CC BY-NC 4.0
Several children, including Nancy Columbia, in the Eskimo exhibit at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition, St. Louis, 1904. Credit Information:
Photographer(s): Charles Carpenter (c) (c) Field Museum of Natural History
Geronimo. Front View, seated. Louisiana Purchase Exposition, St. Louis Fair, 1904. Credit Information:
Photographer(s): Charles Carpenter (c) (c) Field Museum of Natural History
Young girl in a hat standing by tent and pile of Hopewell disks from Mound 2. Ross County, Ohio. 1891.Credit Information:
Photographer(s): Admin (c) (c) Field Museum of Natural History
Nkisi Nkondi figure. Wood, nails, metal. Zaire, Africa.Credit Information:
Photographer(s): Diane Alexander White (c) (c) Field Museum of Natural History - CC BY-NC 4.0
Mica human hand effigy. Hopewell.Credit Information:
Photographer(s): Ron Testa (c) (c) Field Museum of Natural History - CC BY-NC 4.0
Thin flat copper fish effigy with dorsal and ventral fins. Mound 25 copper deposit. Hopewell. Identified as a small mouth buffalo fish (Ictiobis bubalus) or suckerfish.Credit Information:
Photographer(s): Ron Testa (c) (c) Field Museum of Natural History - CC BY-NC 4.0
Quetzalcoatl figurine terra cotta figure. Mexico.Credit Information:
Photographer(s): John Weinstein (c) (c) Field Museum of Natural History - CC BY-NC 4.0
Christian Madonna and child painting. Shaanxi, China.Credit Information:
Photographer(s): Michael Tropea (c) (c) Field Museum of Natural History - CC BY-NC 4.0
Book of the Dead as illustrated in the mortuary papyrus of a woman named Isty. Egypt. Credit Information:
Photographer(s): M. Anderson (c) (c) Field Museum of Natural History - CC BY-NC 4.0
Germantown tapestry blanket with geometric elements that serve as a frame for a large two story colonial house design with a diamond border. Navajo. 74.5 x 54.25 inches Credit Information:
Photographer(s): John Weinstein (c) (c) Field Museum of Natural History - CC BY-NC 4.0
Cast Silver figure of four armed deity Bodhisattva Chenrezi or Avalokitesvara or Avakijutesvara. Tibet.Credit Information:
Photographer(s): John Bayalis (c) (c) Field Museum of Natural History - CC BY-NC 4.0
Wood stool, leopard figure. Cameroon, West Africa.Credit Information:
Photographer(s): Diane Alexander White (c) (c) Field Museum of Natural History - CC BY-NC 4.0
Hopewell copper jewelry on mannequin.Credit Information:
Photographer(s): Ron Testa (c) (c) Field Museum of Natural History - CC BY-NC 4.0
Nisenan woman collecting seeds with a seed beater and burden basket. Maidu. 1903.Credit Information:
Photographer(s): John W Hudson (c) (c) Field Museum of Natural History
Bob Harris (Xa'Niyus) in Hamatsa dress. Louisiana Purchase Exposition, St. Louis Fair, 1904.Credit Information:
Photographer(s): Charles Carpenter (c) (c) Field Museum of Natural History - CC BY-NC 4.0
Portrait of Confucius. China.Credit Information:
Photographer(s): M. Anderson (c) (c) Field Museum of Natural History - CC BY-NC 4.0
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