Photo Archives Zoology Gallery
Image slideshow
Daily News Abyssinian Expedition members, left to right, C. Suydam Cutting, Jack Baum, unidentified, Louis A. Fuertes, Alfred Bailey.Credit Information:
Photographer(s): Alfred M Bailey (c) (c) Field Museum of Natural History
Zebra diorama detail.Credit Information:
Photographer(s): John Weinstein (c) (c) Field Museum of Natural History
Scarab beetles, Dymusia ratidula, showing diversity of species. Credit Information:
Photographer(s): William Burlingham (c) (c) Field Museum of Natural History
Bahama Islands reef fishes diorama group including tiger shark and sucking fish.Credit Information:
Photographer(s): John Bayalis (c) (c) The Field Museum
Rocky Mountain mule deer diorama.Credit Information:
Photographer(s): Clarence Mitchell (c) (c) Field Museum of Natural History - CC BY-NC 4.0
Flounder coloration changes with checkerboard; different backgrounds.Credit Information:
Photographer(s): Admin (c) (c) Field Museum of Natural History
Tokay Gecko, left hind foot, Gekkonidae family.Credit Information:
Photographer(s): Dwight Davis (c) (c) Field Museum of Natural History
Asian Leopard Group Diorama, Central India.Credit Information:
Photographer(s): Ron Testa (c) (c) Field Museum of Natural History
Rocky Mountain Goat diorama, Oreamnos americana.Credit Information:
Photographer(s): Admin (c) (c) Field Museum of Natural History - CC BY-NC 4.0
Colonel J.H. Patterson and dead lion propped up by sticks.Credit Information:
Photographer(s): Admin (c) (c) Field Museum of Natural History
Wandering Spider. Harris Loan Center case.Credit Information:
Photographer(s): John Weinstein (c) (c) Field Museum of Natural History
Squirrels. Harris Loan Center case.Credit Information:
Photographer(s): John Weinstein (c) (c) Field Museum of Natural History
Fish specimens in alcohol jars.Credit Information:
Photographer(s): John Weinstein (c) (c) Field Museum of Natural History
Drawer of butterfly specimens from Insect Collections.Credit Information:
Photographer(s): John Weinstein (c) (c) Field Museum of Natural History
Earwig. Robotic insect inhabiting the Underground Adventure exhibit.Credit Information:
Photographer(s): John Weinstein (c) (c) Field Museum of Natural History
Several drawers in the collections area containing tanagers, birds of North and South America.Credit Information:
Photographer(s): John Weinstein (c) (c) Field Museum of Natural History
17-year cicada with open wings.Credit Information:
Photographer(s): Mark Widhalm (c) (c) Field Museum of Natural History
Cabinet, shell specimens. Top Drawer: dry collection of Wing Oyster. Pteria species. Bottom Drawer: dry collection of Pacific Pearl Oyster, Pinctada margaritifera.Credit Information:
Photographer(s): Mark Widhalm (c) (c) Field Museum of Natural History
Mollusk. Shell collected circa 1762-1763. T. insulaechorab.Credit Information:
Photographer(s): John Weinstein (c) (c) Field Museum of Natural History
Leopard frog. First specimen collected by first curator in Amphibians and Reptiles. Zoology Department specimen.Credit Information:
Photographer(s): John Weinstein (c) (c) Field Museum of Natural History - CC BY-NC 4.0
Various Bird eggs. Grouping of 30 different species.Credit Information:
Photographer(s): John Weinstein (c) (c) Field Museum of Natural History
Giant Panda diorama.Credit Information:
Photographer(s): John Weinstein (c) (c) Field Museum of Natural History - CC BY-NC 4.0
Carl Akeley with bandaged arm and dead leopard that he killed with his bare hands. 1896.Credit Information:
Photographer(s): Carl Akeley (c) (c) Field Museum of Natural History
Lt. Col. John H. Patterson in military uniform. He shot and captured the two Man Eaters of Tsavo in 1898.Credit Information:
Photographer(s): M. Anderson (c) (c) Field Museum of Natural History
Bushman the Gorilla.Credit Information:
Photographer(s): Ron Testa (c) (c) Field Museum of Natural History - CC BY-NC 4.0
Hawk moth. Credit Information:
Photographer(s): John Weinstein (c) (c) Field Museum of Natural History
Staff preparator with specimen of alligator gar fish, Lepisoteus tristoechus, LEPISOSTEIDAE family. Field Columbian MuseumCredit Information:
Photographer(s): Charles Carpenter (c) (c) Field Museum of Natural History
The Man-Eating Lions of Tsavo diorama. Credit Information:
Photographer(s): John Weinstein (c) (c) Field Museum of Natural History - CC BY-NC 4.0
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