Mapping of diverse and vulnerable areas promotes conservation in Peru

Biologically sensitive areas in the Zona Reservada Güeppí in northern Peru. Credit:  J. Markel

With funds from the Prince of Monaco Foundation, ECCo is working with indigenous groups, local organizations, and the Peruvian government to map areas of highest biological and cultural value and vulnerability in landscapes already proposed for protection. We have built on existing efforts to map the use of natural resources by the Maijuna and Secoya indigenous peoples, incorporating data from rapid inventories to create strong arguments for the conservation of sensitive sites. In June 2010 ECCo scientists traveled the Putumayo River to review and refine the maps with Secoya, Huitoto, and Kichwa indigenous groups. We now have powerful new tools to use for promoting protection of highly diverse and sensitive areas in the Peruvian Amazon.

Culturally important areas for the Secoya people in the Zona Reservada Güeppí in northern Peru. Credit: J. Markel