The nama voucher collection site contains images and data for fungi collected across America at the annual North American Mycological Association forays.
The history of North American Mycological Association annual forays begins in 1961 with the Portsmouth, Ohio foray hosted by C. W. Ellett. The first seven forays (1961-1966) were sponsored by the People to People Committee on Fungi, the predecessor to NAMA.
There were 37 yearly forays held through 1996. Species lists from past forays provide data on the distribution of species and the recurrence of species within states that have hosted multiple forays, thereby enabling comparison between states / provinces over time. See Analysis.
Starting with the 1997 foray, the newly formed Voucher Collection Committee has documented the species of fungi identified on the annual forays with collection data, photographs, and dried specimens housed at The Field Museum Herbarium (F). These collections are valuable for preserving a record of the diversity and occurrence of fungi across North America. One of the most notable specimens is the Holotype of Russula avellaneiceps (Voucher 1997-210, F) a new species published by Ray Fatto 1999 (Mycotaxon, Vol. 70: 167-175). For this and other featured species, see Selected Fungi.