The Photo Archives has an extensive collection of zoological images form the past and the present.
Image slideshow
Daily News Abyssinian Expedition members, left to right, C. Suydam Cutting, Jack Baum, unidentified, Louis A. Fuertes, Alfred Bailey.Credit Information:
(c) Field Museum of Natural History
Zebra diorama detail.Credit Information:
(c) Field Museum of Natural History
Scarab beetles, Dymusia ratidula, showing diversity of species. Credit Information:
(c) Field Museum of Natural History
Bahama Islands reef fishes diorama group including tiger shark and sucking fish.Credit Information:
(c) The Field Museum
Rocky Mountain mule deer diorama.Credit Information:
(c) Field Museum of Natural History - CC BY-NC 4.0
Flounder coloration changes with checkerboard; different backgrounds.Credit Information:
(c) Field Museum of Natural History
Tokay Gecko, left hind foot, Gekkonidae family.Credit Information:
(c) Field Museum of Natural History
Asian Leopard Group Diorama, Central India.Credit Information:
(c) Field Museum of Natural History
Rocky Mountain Goat diorama, Oreamnos americana.Credit Information:
(c) Field Museum of Natural History - CC BY-NC 4.0
Colonel J.H. Patterson and dead lion propped up by sticks.Credit Information:
(c) Field Museum of Natural History
Wandering Spider. Harris Loan Center case.Credit Information:
(c) Field Museum of Natural History
Squirrels. Harris Loan Center case.Credit Information:
(c) Field Museum of Natural History
Fish specimens in alcohol jars.Credit Information:
(c) Field Museum of Natural History
Drawer of butterfly specimens from Insect Collections.Credit Information:
(c) Field Museum of Natural History
Earwig. Robotic insect inhabiting the Underground Adventure exhibit.Credit Information:
(c) Field Museum of Natural History
Several drawers in the collections area containing tanagers, birds of North and South America.Credit Information:
(c) Field Museum of Natural History
17-year cicada with open wings.Credit Information:
(c) Field Museum of Natural History
Cabinet, shell specimens. Top Drawer: dry collection of Wing Oyster. Pteria species. Bottom Drawer: dry collection of Pacific Pearl Oyster, Pinctada margaritifera.Credit Information:
(c) Field Museum of Natural History
Mollusk. Shell collected circa 1762-1763. T. insulaechorab.Credit Information:
(c) Field Museum of Natural History
Leopard frog. First specimen collected by first curator in Amphibians and Reptiles. Zoology Department specimen.Credit Information:
(c) Field Museum of Natural History - CC BY-NC 4.0
Various Bird eggs. Grouping of 30 different species.Credit Information:
(c) Field Museum of Natural History
Giant Panda diorama.Credit Information:
(c) Field Museum of Natural History - CC BY-NC 4.0
Carl Akeley with bandaged arm and dead leopard that he killed with his bare hands. 1896.Credit Information:
(c) Field Museum of Natural History
Lt. Col. John H. Patterson in military uniform. He shot and captured the two Man Eaters of Tsavo in 1898.Credit Information:
(c) Field Museum of Natural History
Bushman the Gorilla.Credit Information:
(c) Field Museum of Natural History - CC BY-NC 4.0
Hawk moth. Credit Information:
(c) Field Museum of Natural History
Staff preparator with specimen of alligator gar fish, Lepisoteus tristoechus, LEPISOSTEIDAE family. Field Columbian MuseumCredit Information:
(c) Field Museum of Natural History
The Man-Eating Lions of Tsavo diorama. Credit Information:
(c) Field Museum of Natural History - CC BY-NC 4.0
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